About Us

Personal Information Protection Policy

MicroBiopharm Japan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "MBJ") recognizes that the protection of personal information (including specific personal information, etc. as is true for the following) is an important social responsibility, and has established the following personal information protection guidelines for handling, controlling, and maintaining personal information.

  1. Acquiring, Use and Provision of Personal Information
    When acquiring, using, and providing personal information, MBJ recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and deals with all such information in a proper manner.
  2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    When handling personal information, MBJ complies with all laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information, as well as all with government guidelines.
  3. Implementation of Safety Measures
    MBJ maintains an optimum system for stringently controlling personal information, and by building reasonable safety control measures, MBJ has developed thorough preventative and corrective policies against the illegal access to personal information, as well as the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
  4. Consultation and Complaints Protection Office on Personal Information
    MBJ has set up a consultation desk for personal information, and responds earnestly to complaints and consultations regarding personal information.

    Corporate Division
    Human Resources Department
    TEL: 03-6265-1761
    E-mail: privacy@microbiopharm.com

  5. Implementation of Continuous Improvement
    MBJ has established a management system for the protection of personal information, and while implementing and maintaining the program, MBJ carries out regular reviews of the program as part of our efforts for continuous improvement.